Sunday, October 12, 2008

PMR, Upper six Exams

Hi there to all PMR students especially my beloved 3A and 3E
Go for A's and a lot of them and score in english
For the Upper 6, go for A's too and try to study smart and hard and not too long on the internet
Will be going to KL for PMR Team Leaders English blanguage marking till 22 Oct, Wednesday
Then will hold the coordination meeting in MBS from 23rd Thurs till 25th Saturday, October, 2008
Will be busy marking and marking and coordinating
cheers and all the best
Roger Chin

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lion Mane

Thanks for the prompt comments, Ee Ping and Pin Yin, my regular and consistent and reliable 2 soon to be ex students.
Do you study at all, I mean, you gals are spending so much time online...
Anyway, I like 2 guys who made an impression on me with their hair style and their carefree and confident nature. The first guy was the Japanese ex Prime minister, Koizumi, who is a divorcee and travels with his daughter everywhere he goes when he was the Prime Minister of Japan. I like the way he stood up to China and the rest of the world and even his own people who condemn him for his actions and beliefs. Anyway his hairstyle alone will tell you he is a carefree, confident, no nonsence and will do it HIS way.
The second guy was our former ex Law Minister, Dato Zaid Ibrahim.
He is the only and dare I say the ONLY one so far who dare to resign over his own beliefs and conviction. The rest are all "cylindrical plural less" (ballsless) people who are all ass polisher. He too has the hair style I like. Ee Ping, it's like a lion's mane and not Beatles style, ok
Happy Holidays and happy studying and enjoy what is left of it anyway